Export tuning to Management Pack

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By default Easy Tune works by creating and storing your overrides into automatically or user created management packs within your SCOM environment. This is effectively creating and immediately importing your management pack.

When using an Enterprise license Easy Tune allows you to export a Management Pack to a specified directory outside of SCOM from any ‘Create Tuning’ menu.

This has a number of advantages:

  • Provides a file to put through change control processes without touching your SCOM environment.

  • Provides a file to be put through version control processes without touching your SCOM environment.

  • Provides a quicker and easier method of getting at your MP in order to seal it.

All of the conventions documented here when Easy Tune creates the management pack containing the overrides stored directly into SCOM apply to MPs exported to XML too such as the naming convention and summary of the overrides being stored on the knowledge tab.