Capture Overrides from a Group

Do you have a group configured just the way you want, but want to apply that configuration to another group or Management Group (especially useful when migrating between Management Groups during upgrades)?  Possibly making some small adjustments from the first group?  The functionality to capture overrides from a Group aims to solve this.

Using the UI and steps below, export the overrides and comments into a Tuning Pack (CSV) which can be applied to other Groups or other Management Groups.

  1. Select “Create Tuning Pack from a Group” from the tasks pane
  2. Choose a group to capture overrides from then click Next
  3. The next page shows a list of Management Packs with workflows targeting the selected group. Remove any packs that you do not want to be included in the exported Tuning Pack (useful where there are Management Packs no longer in use in effect) and click Next.
  4. Give your Tuning Pack a name. description, author and specify where it should be saved to (the default is the location of the custom store)

  5. Hit Create. Your tuning pack has been created and can be copied to another management group to be applied (or can be applied to the management group you are working within like any other Tuning Pack)