Easy Tune Licensing and editions

Easy Tune is sold in three different versions at present:

  • Free

    • Tune from up to 5 tuning packs with global, group or object scope.

    • Apply tuning with a schedule to have different overrides in effect at different times of the day

    • Overrides are stored into newly created management pack each time you tune or in a management pack of your choosing

    • Full access to the Community Store, a free catalog of community curated best practice

    • Ability to create tuning packs from management packs yourself

    • Ability to create custom tuning levels

    • No support

  • PRO

    • All the features from free plus the below

    • Limitless tuning - no restriction on the number of tuning packs that can be tuned from

    • Technical support (72 hr SLA via email)

  • Enterprise

    • All the features from PRO plus the below

    • Capture effective overrides from wherever they are stored in SCOM for applying elsewhere - great for side by side migrations, applying existing tuning to a different scope and cleaning up where overrides are stored within SCOM

    • Export overrides created to XML so they can be imported into SCOM under change control

    • PowerShell SDK to allow for alert tuning automation

    • Advanced reporting to tell you when the overrides you have setup are not actually in effect (aka config drift detection)

    • Premium support with a 24 hr SLA via phone or email

    • Credits to be used towards training or professional services

Understanding tuning pack limits with Easy Tune free

In Easy Tune free, when you click on a tuning pack you will see in the details pane a summary of how many tuning packs you have tuned from and how many you have left to tune from as the below screenshot

When you tuning from the fifth of are at your five free tuning packs you are shown the below warning

When you are at you limit of five tuning packs, the details pane license count will turn yellow and you will no longer be able to tune from new tuning packs as the below screenshot

To remove this restriction, upgrade to Easy Tune PRO which starts at $199 or remove all tuning from one or more tuning packs to get below the five limit. You will still be able to set tuning with a different scope (global/group/object) from tuning packs you have already tuned from when you have used your five tuning packs.

Prior to 7-Oct-2020 Easy Tune was available in just two editions, Free and PRO with he below feature sets

  • Free - as per the free edition today but with the below differences

    • Ability to schedule overrides was not included in free edition

    • No limit on the number of tuning packs you could tune from

  • PRO - as per the enterprise edition today with the below differences

    • Ability to schedule overrides was included only in PRO edition

    • The level of support was the same as defined in the PRO edition of today (72 hr SLA via email only). Premium support was sold as an extra

We made these changes to allow us to continue to invest in Easy Tune going forward. If there are questions of any of the above, please contact support@cookdown.com.