Self Maintenance - Quick Start

To simplify the configuration of the Self Maintenance MP, a quick-start override unsealed MP. This MP enables most of the workflows in the Self Maintenance MP. Although this quick start override MP automated most of the configuration tasks, there are some manual steps involved:

Create "Agents Management Resource Pool"

In SCOM Console, create a resource pool called "Agents Management Resource Pool" and place all servers that you wish to use for managing Windows agents into this pool.

Create an SMB file share for Management Packs backup rule

Create a file share on a file server for management packs backup rule. This file share must be accessible from ALL OpsMgr management servers, and the computer account (or whatever the service account for the Management Servers health service is using) must have write access to the file share. Once the file share is created, modify the existing backup location property override for the "OpsMgr Self Maintenance Management Packs Backup Rule".

Modify the Regular Expressions for the "OpsMgr Self Maintenance Approve Manual Agents Rule" Overrides

Provide the regular expressions for how you want to match legitimate agents. i.e.

· All computers in domain:

o AgentNameRegex: *

o AgentDomainRegex: ^

· All computers in either domain or domain:

o AgentNameRegex: *

o AgentDomainRegex: (^$)|(^$)