Creation Rules in Connection Center
When alerts are received by systems that support Creation Rules, they can be raised as a variety of different tasks (typically Incidents). Creation Rules set out the process for what gets raised as a task and the properties any raised tasks should have (the 'Assignment Group' for example). Typically two types of rule govern how incoming SCOM alerts are handled:
Creation Rules
These are the most common type of rule. They contain one or more filters that an incoming SCOM alert must match for the defined task to be raised. The raised task is then created using the settings defined in the rule and linked back to the matching alert record ensuring a clear record of events. They each have a defined processing order ensuring that they are logically prioritized against each other.
Wait Rules
Wait Rules allow an incoming SCOM alert to be held for a specified period of time before being evaluated against creation rules. They are useful for cases where a SCOM alert might open and close itself in quick succession (A.K.A - Flip-flopping). If for example, this were something like a CPU monitor, you wouldn’t want a task or incident raised for a monitor that could have resolved itself before someone could take action. A Wait Rule could hold the alert for long enough to no longer meet the criteria for being raised formally.
You can find a webinar covering Wait Rules (based on ServiceNow) below.
Creation Rules in supported systems
To see how creation rules work in each of the supported systems please see their dedicated support pages: