Event Management

When the ServiceNow Connector Management Pack is configured for Event Management, SCOM alerts are sent to ServiceNow’s Event Management public API as Events. An example event:

The event source is set to “Cookdown_SCOMAlert”, Event fields are populated sensibly and additional data that doesn't have a logical home is stored in the Additional Information field.

The data stored in Additional Information can be used in Event Rule transforms:

Cookdown Alert Sync makes available a greater set of properties than Event Management’s own plugin for SCOM. The properties of each alert made available are the same for Event Management as for the standalone version of Alert Sync and are detailed on this page.

The setup of our product is much simpler than Event Management’s own SCOM plugin and we support the latest SCOM versions (from 2012R2 right through to 2019). Read more on the setup steps here.